This is my first blog post written back in June 2016, three months before I set off on my first adventure solo.
So why have I decided to (attempt) to write a blog? I say ‘attempt’ as apart from English essays written in school where a high percentage ended in…’and I woke up and it was all a dream’, I have not written much else. OK well there a few ‘poems’ I wrote with a school friend when I was about 7, mostly about flowers and one (published..ahem ahem) poem called The Petshop but lets not dwell on my previous career in Poetry just yet.
Anyway, I am now almost 27, I am from Dublin but have been living in England for nearly five years; two of which I was studying for my postgraduate diploma in dietetics and three of which I have been working within the NHS as a clinical dietitian. I have just completed a masters qualification during which I was working full time…I pinpoint this as being the critical array of incidences (having to resubmit my thesis twice and crying into excel spreadsheets most evenings) as to what led me to making a drastic and scary life decision. I have decided to leave my permanent job which I enjoy, in a department I love, to sell my car, leave my friends and cat (every single gal’s best friend) and to spend my (not so abundant) savings to go travelling….alone.
Luckily my parents have also been very supportive and have encouraged my to pursue this expedition (although I am sure they will have some sleepless nights wondering where in the world I am and whether I wearing sun cream to protect my very Irish skin). Work colleagues on the other hand seem to have adopted the word ‘brave’ a lot when I explain I am going alone (although I know when they say brave they really mean possibly clinically insane, I can see it in their eyes)!
Anyway I am going….I have booked my flights to Mexico and have twelve whole months to explore Central and South America, and even further if my purse strings allow and my desire to explore persists.
As mentioned above I am a dietitian – most people ask me does this mean I ‘don’t eat chocolate’ and ‘live on salads’…No it does not. I love food, cooking, reading about food, eating food and learning about food from all over the world, so my blog will also be influenced by this. Eating well whilst on a budget and trying not to get too many ’bouts’ of D+V (that’s diarrhoea and vomiting for those not used to dealing with this on a daily basis in hospitals). So along with my fancy new hiking boots, I will also be bringing a large supply of rehydration sachets…
Anyway, hopefully this first post won’t put people off (I promise not to talk too much about bowels movements, although being a dieitian it is an important topic of concersation). The main reason for writing this blog is for friends and family (if they are bored enough to read it) so enjoy!
J xxx
I wish you all the best in your blogging and physical journey.